So after a few conversations, I've felt forced to answer a question that should answer itself: Why should one prefer butterfly knives? Now honestly, this is a question so silly that no one else would entertain the thought of answering it, but since I'm such a kindly fellow I'll take a stab at it.
Pun intended...
It should seem obvious that this is like asking why men have nipples, even though the obvious answer is "how else can one tell if a man is cold or not?" Sure you could ask, but that's just odd and off-putting to have another person walk up to me like a bolt of lighting from clear blue skies and ask if I'm cold, or excited, or craving sexual satisfaction that I have yet to attain that day; this, provided she is not some type of samba girl or rap video model of course. Forgiving my digression from the point (pun intended), allow me to answer with a question or two.
Let's take a look at conventional knives: They don't fold, and are therefore inconvenient. You could put it in a sheath round your belt, but unless you're Rambo you're going to have your admission withheld at the door to the strip club, and there's nothing more embarrassing than being turned at the door of a titty bar. Furthermore, they're difficult to conceal. How in the hell am I to swiftly mug you in an alley on the fly? Now I'll have to plan for it in advance, and opportunity comes when one least expects it, so I'd be missing out which simply can not stand. I mean, have you seen someone flip a butterfly knife out in front of you? That's some intimidating shit, you'll have their wallet in no time. A note to the reader: Try the line "scream and I'll cut ya" after whipping it out; never fails.
Folding knives, while easier to conceal, more convenient in carrying and far cheaper in most cases seem to have the following issues:
It's bad enough I need to pull this thing out, this folding knife, but to use both hands to open it? That's just madness. True, there's always the assisted unfold, but you still need both hands to close it! What the fuck is this? You mean to tell me, my stout chap, that I must condescend to using two hands to close it? I thought we were past this.
But fortunately we are. Enter the "Balisong" or "butterfly knife."
Originating from the Philippines and to date one of the few good things to come from that island apart from -I can't think of anything- the Balisong can be used anywhere a folding knife can. The difference being that it is approximately twenty-percent "cooler" (which is just science) when unleashed upon an unsuspecting block of cheese or an unfaithful spouse who can't keep it in his pants, tricking around the neighborhood and thinking you'd never find out, that cad.
I'm so sorry, you're better off without him...
I hope this answers the question for those of you still holding out on an answer. To be honest, knife manipulation and implementation with a butterfly knife is just better and easier. Some even speculate that OJ Simpson would have gotten away with double homicide within a shorter period of time had he mercilessly butchered his two victims with a butterfly, ask any attorney! So if the increased likelihood of getting away with the wanton slaughter of a person isn't enough incentive, I don't know what to tell you. You must live a lonely life, enshrouded by confusion and doubt.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Guilt By Association: Why Romney May Wish To Avoid Bloomberg
Among Mitt Romney's rumored choices for running mates, one name stands out above all: Michael Bloomberg. But the old-school Republican could bring something else to the Romney camp that could destroy the campaign entirely, the New York Blizzard of 2010.
December 27th, 2010 has been hailed as the "busiest day for 911 calls since Sept. 11, 2001" in an article published December 29th, 2010 by the New York Daily News. That day was faced with the helplessness of being trapped by seemingly endless drifts of snow, and a city government that seemed unwilling to protect its citizens.
By December 30th, Mayor Bloomberg finally ventured out to see the aftermath of the four boroughs and how they fared without the support that Manhattan had received. It is speculated that since Manhattan is a major tourist destination, the city went out of it's way to ensure the streets were cleared. New York Public Advocat Bill de Blasio, second-in-line to the Mayor, had sent a letter to the office of Bloomberg demanding an explanation for the late and ineffective response, which remained unanswered. Even after plows finally made it to the outer boroughs on and after December 30th, the streets were not salted, thereby weakening any effect that plowing would have to the 20 inches of snow; a final insult to the lives lost during the storm.
Flash forward two years later, and the man at the helm of this city is now being hailed as a 'safe' choice for Mitt Romney by ESPN columnist L.Z. Granderson. It seems that the memory of the Republican party, once again, is fuzzy and measurable in nano-seconds. This textbook result of ineffectual leadership should be foremost in the mind of Romney, and to head off any bad press at the proverbial pass, he'd ought to look to another running mate. Preferrably a running mate with less blood on their hands.
Bloomberg's track record of attempting a $34-million dollar cut in childcare services and the forced layoff of over 4,600 teachers in the City of New York is -comparatively- light work in the face of the blizzard. This does nothing to give the impression that he is an "old-school" Republican and is more in-step with the modern incarnation of the standard issue Republican: "All for None, and More For Me" being the generalized concept.
Given Bloomberg's history, and the already shaky foundation of Romney's campaign, choosing Bloomberg as a running mate may prove to be the winter of Romney's discontent.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
An Open Letter to Stereotype Enthusiasts
To Whom it May Concern,
If you've ever said, "you're not *really* black," then you're part of the
problem. I hope that got your attention, because this is going to be a long
and painful read for some of you. This letter is to inform all concerned
that I am identifying only with the "human" race, as opposed to identifying
as "black" or some other such designation. If you think it's cool to tell
someone they're "not really" a specific race based on their behavior not
sticking to a specific stereotype, then you are an idiot. It is one of the
most appalling yet subtle pretenses we've used to divide ourselves.
Perhaps I'm speaking as the victim? Not exactly. I'm guilty of this
stupidity myself. The difference is I've learned from it, and you to whom
this is addressed have not. A note on the "you're not really
black/white/asian/latino" phenomenon that has permeated our society, I'm
not. No, I am "not really" black. I'm a human being and my character or
behavior is not defined by my color or ethnicity, it's defined by my
fucking behavior; tell me this is not a difficult concept to grasp. The
fact that I've even heard the phrase in its several iterations at this
stage in human history makes me want to vomit.
Then there's the low-calorie version, the "what are you mixed with"
question. I'm mixed with... well I don't know. Carbon? Yes, carbon. Does it
really matter what the hell my ethnic origin is? Are you asking because
it's gonig to change your opinion of me? It probably won't, but many think
it will. You automatically establish a dividing line between yourself and
the person you ask that same vile question in the subject's mind. If
the subject of the question doesn't think anything of it, then perhaps they
should, because your ethnicity does not define your conduct.
Who gives a shit about ethnic pride for that matter? As George Carlin put
it, you've won a "lottery." A completely and utterly arbitrary system of
vetting in which people are born into a nation, into a family of a certain
bloodline, and are then faced with the cultural/economical/social
landscape which they were spat upon. Pride, again in the spirit of Carlin,
is earned. John Locke's Theory of Value and Property, holding any weight,
would put ethnic or national pride at absolutely "nil."
So don't look at it as being politically correct when I urge you to take
any and all of what's stated into account. Take it as encouragement to be a
world citizen, take it as news you can use towards a better cohesiveness.
But whatever you do, at the very least, take your anqituated notions to the
dumpster and be a human being; nothing mundane about that.
Rey Ignatius Fawkes
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
It'll Get Finished When It's Finished!
(I promised myself this blog wouldn't turn into a personal gripe page, but I personally don't give a shit what gets posted on it now.)
Sometimes, some important times, we have to give ourselves a gut check and take a little inventory on what we want. Lets use myself as an example: I enjoy video games, eating, sleeping, working out and getting drunk. I'd add "getting laid" in that equation but that would require me to "give a fuck" (nyuk-nyuk). In that little list, you'll note that I didn't include my occupation, and there's a reason for that. The truth of the matter is that none of us actually want to work for a living. Some of us aren't even fucking passionate about what we do, we'd like to think we are; we're not. But for those of us that really don't care about the end-state of our environment, our neighborhood or our fellow man, there's hope. Hope in the fact that there are others who do give a damn, and we should be gracious enough to stay out of their way.
But how? How do we help those people without stepping away from our double xp weekends on Call of Duty you ask? By simply being honest with them. I can assure you, many people would be beyond thrilled if you just admitted to them that you really don't care about their neighborhood watch, their food drive or their petition (unless there's something in it for you.) I should know, I drop the "no, I don't think that's really worth getting worked up over" spiel on a regular basis. Be wary, however, of those who are so civic-minded that they want to drag you into their pile of horse-hockey. These motherfuckers will do nothing good for your peace of mind and totally destroy your chances of getting to that next prestige level on whatever game you're playing online.
The civic-minded volunteer is the worst type of individual. They give a hoot for the sake of giving said hoot, which is no reason to ever give a hoot unless someone is hooting up in your business. So be the smart field mouse and hide from these bird-brains whenever it can be managed. Couldn't their time be better spent masturbating or otherwise finding a way to go fuck themselves, I ask you?
So, if you're lazy, are only motivated by that which will pay or entertain you, and only work because it keeps you in the life you're most comfortable living then take heart. You are closer to happiness than Mr. Save-the-Whales will ever be, and far closer to getting what you want out of life.
Question everything, or not; not my problem.
smedly butler
Sunday, June 17, 2012
In the wake of the obesity epidemic gripping the United States, have we overlooked the main accomplice to the sometime friend and enemy, food? Moreover, have we actually asked ourselves the hard question: Can flatware be the blame?
With the increasing prices in high-grade, high-performance, high-capacity food rich in nutrients our eyes have been blinded by costs. It begs to be asked however if we're actually seeing the farm beyond the dinner table, but in fact the dinner table may hold the key to the issue. Utensils otherwise known as flatware are responsible for the vast majority of the food we eat. Food -as has been well documented- is one of the major factors contributing to obesity. Looking at the sum of its parts, flatware seems to be a dangerously overlooked factor. Flatware is imperative in bringing most foods to our mouths, but those who suffer from obesity may very well be abusing such a major tool in eating, resulting in their higher chances of suffering from diabetes and heart failure.
This is not to say that all flatware is bad, and that anyone who uses flatware will inevitably use it to make themselves obese, though it may be time to ask precisely what level and how strictly flatware should be issued to the general public, if issued at all. Flatware has had a long history of going without regulation. According to the Sheffield Knife Book (Tweetdale, 1996) flatware's use and inventory has been documented in British Tax Records as early as 1297. But in our modern times, why have we failed to heed the lessons from our past and not maintain register and accountability of our flatware? Instead, the populace has been roving about, utensil in hand and ready to give themselves a hard case of indigestion at the very least.
High-capacity kitchen utensils are not to be ruled out, as was mentioned in a previous article. It begs to be asked why so many people wish to have restaurant-grade cooking implements in their house. True, some may enjoy the thrill of cooking and the security that you can prepare haute cuisine in their own home at their leisure. On the other hand, is it really necessary when there are fully qualified culinary specialists able to make better use of it? Even if the restaurant is closed, there's always prepared meals to be had from the grocer's freezer. Not to mention, the multifunctional mass murder machine known mainly as the "spork."
As a people, we'd ought to count the gravestones of those who've died from obesity-related disorders. Can it not be asked if there was limited access to flatware, these people would be living fulfilling lives instead of the dreadful fate they've met? But without doubt, it can be said that in the defense of regulating and limiting access to flatware, "forks can, and will, make you fat."
Thursday, April 19, 2012
The Origins of Church and State, Disillusioned?

The relentlessly bandied claim of the separation of "church and state" goes back farther than the Founding Fathers. But what happens when the momentous, legendary origins turn out to be far less momentous and legendary than political pundits would care to guess?
Furthermore, many of the proponents of the Separatist/Puritan movement were strong proponents (redundantly) of the separation of church and state, namely Roger Williams, a distinguished Cambridge alumnist, cunning linguist according to the April 1955 issue of The Jewish Quarterly Review, and good lad all round. This, provided unless church and state were not speaking the same language, a language that favored their belief. A language that the State apparently had no intention of learning even enough to ask where the restroom was. (Latin, perhaps?)
King James VI and I regarded actual persecution of people (the nasty kind that results in the burning of four Quakers in Massachusetts) as "one of the infallible signs of a false church." Noting my previous parenthesized sentence, it would seem the only "false church" and persecutors were the original colonists of New England, as the Quaker burning did far more than spoil one's oatmeal, but instead routed them to Rhode Island.
It would appear, most especially based on the accounts of William Bradford, that their motivation to retreat to the "New World" was based on fear of cultural extinction. That same fear is the only parallel to be found today with our own times culturally; simple, narrow-minded fear of change. On speculation from this writer, a dash of sexual repression may well also be the case, however undocumented.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
An Open Letter To New Cat Owners
Dear New Cat Owner,
Congratulations, you've joined the likes of Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee and Ernest "So-Manly-It-Borders-On-Homoerotic" Hemingway to name but a few in the joys of cat ownership. Reach around and give yourself a pat on the back. Unfortunately, were it not for other, less sensible cat owners, I would not have to write this.
Starting off, you must be mindful of the fact that your cat is, like others of the felis genus, a dedicated carnivore. That's right, while the kitty may look like a pointy eared ball of curiosity or disdain (depending on age) that animal is a predator through and through. So where does that put you? Are you a potential food item? Not really, or at least not while you still breathe and have the legs to carry you, you're not. Are you the "alpha-cat"? No, that would require a level of dedication and loyalty that this particular specie of feline does not possess. No, kind owner, you're a bloody cat!
Only not as attractive...
That's right, a big, stupid cat that brings in food from out-of-doors and plays with their already dead morsel of dead animal that your cat didn't watch you catch. Be wary of this, as it will encourage your cat to bring you dead animals as a gesture of goodwill and also as a bloody, festering and nasty training implement. That is, it's trying to teach you to hunt. Cats, as a rule, should want to help one another if possible as they are used to roaming around cities and countrysides in colonies of varying sizes and strengths, not unlike trash bags, in a sort of collective effort. Independent as they may seem, they have a sense of community among other cats when forced to unite; nothing forces cats to unite like an oppressive habitat. So, don't be surprised if the cat feels the need to curl up next to you in the oppressive habitat you call home.
The curling-up tendency that I speak of (or as I like to call it, "kitty-witty-cuddly-wuddles time") is another communal act. Don't be surprised at the kneading paws as the cat drifts off into a deep nod that reminds it of its mother. This doesn't mean it thinks you're its mother, you're still that big dumb cat in its colony. No, the cat is merely working out its "mommy issues" as it was presumably taken from its mother early on, and is subconsciously trying to stimulate milk out of whatever part of your body it's sitting on just like it did back in your cat's "salad days."
I can't wait to move out of here! YOU'RE SMOTHERING ME!
Now as you find yourself enjoying this, you'll be encouraged to force the cat upon your lap. The cat will try to make a break for it, to flee from your non-consensual petting time (pet-rape.) This does not mean the cat doesn't like you, it means the cat is afraid. Remember when I stated that in the cat's eyes you're a big dumb cat? Well, cats aren't known for being trusting of their fellow felines. Cats in the bush will eat the young of another, steal another cat's food, mob on one cat and beat it up because it wandered into the wrong turf wearing the wrong colors. Given the no-shit, cat-eat-cat, nature of the environment they have evolved in it pays to be the bigger cat. You, are the biggest, dumbest and clumsiest cat that cat has ever seen, and given your feline ineptitude it subconsciously assumes you're up to no good because you absolutely suck at being a cat. You got it! The cat thinks you're going to fuck its shit up! So be not offended or ashamed, it's just how the cat is genetically predisposed to thinking. The thinking that at any given moment, any cat out there that thinks it's rude is going to want to have a go.
But if I impart no other great knowledge, remember this: Never die alone in the same house as a bunch of cats. Remember what I mentioned about cannibalism among cats? Well you're dead, no one else knows your dead, you're old, live in a shabby apartment on the wrong side of town and as a result no one will come looking for you until they smell your death from the other side of the door. The cat in all of this knows there is no other source of food available except for the freshly dead, no-longer-walking-and-talking meat sack wrapped in a shawl on the sofa, so it does the only thing it can do. Cats have left half-eaten corpses for landlords and superintendents to find for decades, don't add yourself to that half-eaten, closed casket group. Get yourself a stable retirement plan, invest, and ultimately find a reason for people to miss you. Otherwise, you're cat food for a desperate feline.
May your cat owning experience be a wondrous adventure, and don't get eaten.
Rey Ignatius Fawkes
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